By December the new church was completed. Pressed Trenton Brick and Bluestone was used for the shell of the ninety-five foot building. The campanile (Bell Tower), one hundred twenty-five feet tall, added another ten feet to the width of the façade. Holy Rosary in actuality was two churches—main level and basement—each seating about eight hundred people. The upper church had a new main altar; however, the two side altars and alter used in the lower Church were from the old structure. The Holy Water Font was of Venetian marble and the pews were oak. The stained glass windows depicted the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary. The church was simply and pleasantly decorated.
The edifice is a synthesis of three architectural types—Greek, Byzantine and Roman. Greek strength and simplicity of design were reflected in the basic rectangular building with a double-pitched roof, a pediment, Corinthian architrave, frieze and cornice. The arched doorways, windows and niche reflected the quiet grace of Roman architecture. Three elegant Byzantine pillared cupolas crowned the campanile and atop each of the two pilasters framing the façade. The central nave between two side aisles was reminiscent of the Roman basilica and divided by two rows of columns. Each has a Corinthian capital of acanthus leaves. The vaulted nave, aisles, arched recesses of the two side altars and the sanctuary is Byzantine expressions of Roman structural features.
Parishioners were asked to “purchase” various parts of the Church. Bricks used in its construction were sold for five cents each. There were over 500,000 bricks used. The stained glass windows and Stations of the Cross bear a roll of names of early parishioners and donors to the Church. On Sunday, September 18, 1904 Bishop John J. O’Connor dedicated the new Church of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary. Several thousand parishioners along with clergy and city officials were present.